The Clipalator Goes Universal...

Posted by Warren Dent on Jan 23, 2016

The ZenPro Audio Clipalator media player has been a place for our customers to hear comparisons of most gear we sell, on the same tracks using the same processing by the gear, to get an idea of how they compare. It's the world's only repeatable database for studio gear, as we purposely designed it to allow us to add gear to it all the time so it's never out of date. There are days when we add several new pieces of gear, bringing you context to know your purchases at ZenPro mean what you think they will mean.

An issue was that Adobe Flash was what powered the Clipalator for the past 7 years, and we've watched Apple and most mobile browser devices abandon the format slowly but surely. In other words a large percentage of people could no longer use the player...until now!

We have re-formatted the Clipalator using HTML and Javascript, which are universal languages for 99% of all modern devices. This means tablets, MAC PC's, Windows and even cell phones will virtually always work with this new coding.

Be sure to visit the new Clipalator today, and if you have any feedback let us know!

If you're looking for a web media guru, look no further than Joel Farr. Joel is a partner at Jibe Media and re-coded the Clipalator for ZenPro and has it working like a charm. Thanks Joel!

You can contact Joel at